In 2019, the American Academy of Dermatology and National Psoriasis Foundation broke new ground when they announced joint recommendations for both narrowband (NB-UVB) and broadband UV-B (BB-UVB) phototherapies. Published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, the report outlined the benefits of these and other types of light therapy, concluding that at-home UVB therapy is an effective tool for managing plaque psoriasis and decreasing inflammation when used in doctor-recommended doses.
That’s big news, since in-office sessions can require scheduling three to five doc visits a week (fun times!), not to mention the hassle of travel. With at-home UVB therapy, you can DIY your treatment whenever the heck it’s convenient for you. Of course, there’s the not-inconsequential cost of purchasing a therapy unit, but if you can stomach it as a one-and-done deal, you’re on your way to an amount of freedom you probably haven’t had since you were diagnosed with the disease.
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