Rutgers Surgeons Use Robotics to Advance Breast Reconstruction
A surgical team at Rutgers and University Hospital is using robotics to improve breast reconstruction outcomes, with potential applications across other reconstructive procedures.
A surgical team at Rutgers and University Hospital is using robotics to improve breast reconstruction outcomes, with potential applications across other reconstructive procedures.
Establishment Labs Holdings Inc, a global medical technology company specializing in women’s health, announces the first U.S. breast augmentations using Motiva Implants.
The Breast Surgery Collaborative Community (BSCC) states that an en bloc capsulectomy is only necessary for confirmed or suspected breast implant-associated cancer after thorough evaluation, emphasizing informed consent, evidence-based care, and the need for continued monitoring, while warning against unnecessary procedures driven by patient fears.
The FDA clearance of Sofwave to treat upper arm skin laxity comes as the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports brachioplasty procedures grew 25% between 2019-2022.
The Aesthetic Society and The Aesthetic Foundation have launched the American Registry for Breast Implant Surveillance (ARISE) through their Aesthetic One app, partnering with a U.S. FDA-recognized platform to transform breast implant registries.
Below, Thomas Su, MD, a cosmetic surgeon and owner of Tampa, Fla.-based Artistic Lipo, reveals his personal approach to liposuction—awake-only liposuction, and why he believes it’s a better option than the traditional technique.
Parents voice strong concerns about social media sharing of images of children undergoing craniofacial surgery, reports a survey study in the April issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
Join PSP co-chief editor Keri Stephens as she sits down with Alexander Zuriarrain, MD, FACS, a board-certified plastic surgeon and owner of Miami-based Zuri Plastic Surgery, to delve into all things rhinoplasty.
Revelle Aesthetics, Inc. announces that it has achieved an extended U.S. FDA clearance for its precision cellulite release device, Avéli.