One of the principal characteristics of plastic surgery is its diversity, both technical and personal. Dubbed by some as “the surgeon’s surgeon,” plastic surgeons are known for their resourcefulness, expansive funds of knowledge, and willingness to challenge convention. As a result, they are privileged to be able to help both patients and fellow physicians in an enormous variety of situations.
Like the specialty, individual plastic surgeons are incredibly varied with respect to their career paths, interests, and stances on issues related to the practice and teaching of their craft. However, there are few forums in which plastic surgeons have opportunities to openly share these thoughts and experiences with their peers and with others who are interested in the field. In this series, we have interviewed several residents and attendings from the Hansjörg Wyss Department of Plastic Surgery at NYU Langone Medical Center, in an effort to create a space where stories, advice and ideas can be shared between past, present and prospective plastic surgeons.
Included in this first entry are excerpts from conversations with plastic surgery residents: Joshua Mirrer (PGY6), Sammy Sinno (PGY6), Brad Hill (PGY5), Jordan Frey (PGY4), Z-hye Lee (PGY3) and Ara Salibian (PGY2).
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