Atlanta-area facial plastic surgeon Philip Robb, Jr., MD, announces that he now offers a gentle rhinoplasty technique at this practice, Robb Facial Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics. Since the beginning of rhinoplasty, the procedure has been performed with hammers and chisels to break and reposition the bones of the nose. These methods are still commonly used for most surgeons in the United States.
Ultrasonic rhinoplasty, which Robb is currently offering, provides the results of rhinoplasty without breaking any bones, according to advocates. Specifically, ultrasonic rhinoplasty uses ultrasound waves which cause alterations in the bone without breaking, cracking, or damaging the bone or surrounding soft tissue. This is much softer on the body and leads to significantly better results with less recovery and pain, Robb says.
Robb says he believes ultrasonic rhinoplasty is beneficial for his patients for three reasons:
- Micromillimeter precision with the refining and shaping of the bones. This offers much more meticulous control and contouring, especially after fractures, he says. Hammers and chisels cannot obtain this degree of precision.
- The membrane lining the bone (rich in nerve endings) called the periosteum is not damaged with ultrasonic techniques resulting in little to no pain after surgery.
- This technology does not damage blood vessels, which results in dramatically decreased and often no bruising after rhinoplasty surgery.
Robb notes, “I can’t remember the last patient who had bruising after rhinoplasty using ultrasonic techniques.” The actual device, called a Piezotome, has been used in dentistry for years and is known for its efficacy and safety on surrounding tissues.
“Less pain and less bruising leads to less inflammation—which ultimately gives me better control of my patient’s final results over conventional methods,” he adds. “This technology has absolutely been a game-changer for our rhinoplasty patients. Patients are getting the results they desire (or better) without the pain and recovery of the previous manipulations. We are seeing that patients are willing to travel from around the country to achieve the more precise results, ensure the protection of soft tissues, and experience less pain and recovery. It is an exciting time to be offering this revolutionary approach to rhinoplasty.”
The bridge of the nose is now smoother after surgery with less imperfections, which creates a natural and ‘un-operated’ feel, Robb says. Currently, this technology is available at Robb’s private surgery center and with select surgeons around the United States.
“Our patients love it because we are able to be gentle and deliver a more refined, beautiful result with a much smaller recovery period than I could with conventional methods,” says Robb. “We are proud to offer the latest techniques, along with the most advanced technology in rhinoplasty. This is an investment in our patients. Ultimately, our patients are achieving their desired results with less recovery and discomfort.”