An increasing trend among companies, “Botox leave,” allows workers to take time off of work for beauty treatments without taking unauthorized leaves or lying to employers.
“We noticed a demand amongst our staff for a day off in the run up to Christmas to not only pick up their Christmas gifts, but also to make appointments for their hairdressing, beauty and particularly Botox treatments. We now offer all staff a day’s leave in December and have unofficially called this day ‘Botox Leave’ because we’ve heard rumors that this is what people do with this day – to make sure they’re looking their best for the Christmas party photos,” said Stephen Fox, Managing Director of British advertising agency Fox Kalomaski.
Reports of “Botox leave” range from two hours to an entire day off, and is said to be a move to directly fight against false sick leaves. This new trend seems to benefit the Botox industry, employers, and employees, all at once.
“Companies are right to be inventive with their incentives. Although ‘Botox leave’ is certainly quirky, if people are adopting this incentive there is obviously a call for it. In the current market, giving people time off for endeavors that suit their lifestyles can be a cost-effective way of incentivizing staff if budgets do not stretch to other more obvious benefits,” said a statement from recruitment company Blue Skies.