Around 3 p.m. on Sunday, February 3, there seemed to be fewers doctors and conventioneers clogging the aisles at the Gonzalez Convention Center. Elizabeth from the Kestrel Publishing booth at the show, said it best: The doctors have clogged the nearest downtown San Antonio bars, where they can watch the Super Bowl.
Too true. However, prior to that time, the AAD Day 2 festivities were a slam-dunk (if I can be allowed to mix my metaphors). I was careening from one booth to the next, looking for the "next great thing" in dermatology to jump out at me, grab me by the lapels, and scream, "I'm it!" I don't know that I found anything that blew me away today, but there is much to see at this meeting.
Kelo-cote, whose booth I discovered at the very back of the convention floor, somewhere beyond Proctor & Gamble and Merck, has an impressive looking product, Kelo-cote Spray. The company claims that it is the first — and only — scar treatment in a spray that "delivers the clinically proven efficacy of silicone." The "proven" part of that statement is backed up by a couple of studies and a high rating from physicians using the product… Candela has quietly announced the Serenity Pro system, which uses a new technology called Pneumatic Skin Flattening to inhibit pain during laser- or light-based treatments. The company also released the findings of 6 recently published, peer-reviewed studies that highlighted the effectiveness and safety of the Vbeam Perfecta and GentleLASE laser products. Copies of the studies are available at the Candela booth (#2501), or go to the Web for more info…
Yodle is a new Internet company that specializes in keeping your practice's Web site at the top positions in Google, Yahoo, and other search engines. It is offering a discount on setting up new Web sites, as well. The sales reps at the AAD really know their stuff… Boiron, the company that produces homeopathic pain relief products, has Arnicare Montana stocked on its booth shelves back in the back of the show floor (near Kelo-Cote).
Lumeris has a new product, Pyratine-6, which claims to offer quick and noticeable improvements in treating "the signs of skin aging." I absconded with a few samples of this product and will let you know what my friends make of it…
Dietary pill fans will want to check out the line of food supplements from SesDerma… New Biomask and Propinmask peels from MediDerma look promising (this firm also has a wrinkle-filling system called Fillderma Duo, boasting "double wrinkle filling without injections")… Indeed, the thrust of this winter's AAD meeting is the introduction of noninvasive anti-aging products. Truly, the wave of the future… Finally, hey men! Check out the new genetic testing kit for hair loss, available from HairDX, which has been endorsed by the American Hair Loss Association.
Tomorrow, I will wrap-up the show, but… the blogging will contiue throughout February and (hopefully) beyond. Stay tuned for all the latest news and views from PSP's vantage point, ahead of the curve and (to paraphrase George Carlin) locked, cocked, and ready to rock; rough, tough, and hard to bluff.