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In this episode, Leah Garcia and Felipe Jimenez, PhD, of Nulastin, join hosts Alison Werner and Keri Stephens. They’re here to talk about the hair care brand which is focused on promoting natural hair growth with less shedding, using the brand’s patented Elastaplex technology. Garcia is the founder and owner of Nulastin, while Jimenez serves as chief science officer and leads R&D and product innovation.

Garcia and Jimenez talk about the company, its products, and why plastic surgeons should be talking to their patients about hair care. After all, hair can be a key piece to ensuring patients are satisfied with their outcomes.

  • Patients come to the plastic surgery practice to feel better about themselves. To ensure they are leaving your practice feeling confident and satisfied, you need to look at the whole package—and that includes their hair, brows and lashes. As Jimenez puts it, “Hair is a huge component of who you are.”
  • Hair thinning or hair loss can have a number of causes. But at its core, Jimenez explains, it’s about the health of the root system. He explains how the root system at the base of the hair follicle is responsible for premature shedding. If people want healthy growth, and to maintain that growth, they need to pay attention to that root system.
  • Jimenez and Garcia explain the role of the elastin envelope at the base of every hair follicle. From there, they explain how Nulastin’s patented Elastaplex technology is formulated to not only anchor the follicle and the hair, but also help it grown longer and stronger. In addition, they provide a breakdown of the ingredients in Nulastin’s products and how they help support that root system and hair growth.
  • Nulastin only recently entered the medical space, Garcia explains. She adds that they are open to working with plastic surgery practices on private label options to build out the practice’s retail offerings.
  • In addition to its hair care products, Nulastin offers a number of skincare products aimed at supporting the skin pre- and post-procedure. PSP
Podcast Transcript

Alison Werner 0:10
Hello and welcome to the plastic surgery practice podcast. I’m your host, Alison Werner and in this episode I’m joined by my co host, Keri Stephens. As many of you know your patients are spending significant money on skincare. Industry Analysis pegs consumer spending globally on skincare between 90 to 107 billion. That’s billion with a B, that’s a lot of money. You spend so much time developing a relationship with your patients, they trust you to tell them what is the best surgical and non surgical procedures to get the aesthetic results they want. Thus, they are going to trust your advice on skincare products, and you in turn can benefit from selling those products in your practice. Incorporating retail products into your plastic surgery practice can be a huge boost. Not only can it bring in more revenue, but it can also increase patient satisfaction and facilitate a long term relationship with them. As practice consultant Terri Ross wrote for us earlier this year. The key to a successful retail program is to focus on products that complement your surgical procedures or services or treatments. So with this in mind, we’re going to talk to a number of people behind retail skincare brands that cater to plastic surgery practices over the coming season. To get started, we have with us on this episode Leah Garcia and Dr. Felipe Jimenez of new Nulastin. Leah is the founder and owner of new Nulastin a hair care brand focused on promoting natural hair growth, with less shedding using the brand’s patented elastaplex technology. Dr. Jimenez is the company’s chief science officer and leads r&d and product innovation at the company. In this episode, they talk to us about the company its products and why plastic surgeons should be talking to their patients about hair care and how this can be a huge piece in ensuring patients are satisfied with their outcomes. Here’s our conversation. Leah and Dr. Jimenez, thank you so much for joining us today. Thank you.

Leah Garcia 1:49
Thank you both for having us. This is great.

Alison Werner 1:52
Yeah, we’re looking forward to this conversation. So to start, you know, our audience is plastic surgeons, as I said, But I’m curious to know, what should they know about hair loss? Let’s start there. Because I’m sure there are a lot who don’t really know the role they could play here. But what what do they need to know about hair loss?

Leah Garcia 2:11
I’ll pass the baton to us here, Felipe?

Dr Felipe Jimenez 2:13
No, thank you so much for that question. It’s a really good question, right? Because, you know, we hear a lot about hair loss out there, we hear about all the different factors that that can cause hair loss loss anywhere from hormonal changes to stress and things like that, right. But a lot of times we lose sight of the fact that if we don’t have a good root system at the base of that follicle that we can get premature shedding as well. Right. So what we do here at at Nulastin is not only focus on the healthy growth of hair, but also the healthy growth and maintenance of that root system as well.

Leah Garcia 2:53
I’d like to just take this from a female perspective, in a plastic surgery practice, the the humans that come into that practice, are chasing an aesthetic, they’re chasing to look better, to feel better to repair damage, to enhance perhaps what they have, or what they don’t have. For me when I think about elastin and also what Nulastin and we as a company and a brand, have the synergy is so aligned with what is in a plastic surgery practice and the hair component component is huge. It’s huge, because if you take a human’s hair away, a man or a woman, whomever, that immediately changes their confidence, it changes how they feel about themselves. And they will be they will be chasing restoration for that. So if they have it in a plastic surgery practice, you’re ahead of having that individual go elsewhere, either to a dermatology clinic and or some other practice to try to rectify what I truly believe can be handled at a bit of a one stop shop.

Keri Stephens 4:04
I know you mentioned the hormonal hair loss. I know for me when I had kids, I definitely personally experienced a little hair loss where I always had really thick hair and then four months postpartum, I lost a ton. But it’s interesting the plastic surgery angle this do you think most plastic surgeons do have products that address hair thinning in their office?

Leah Garcia 4:26
I think that if they’ve got an aesthetic component, which most do, I mean, most most of the plastic surgery offices I’ve ever walked into, typically have your your other product line, they have their aesthetic where you’re handling your injections and your fillers and that part of it. I rarely have ever seen a plastic surgery office that doesn’t have that extra component. So they have it but do they have what’s effective is the better question.

Dr Felipe Jimenez 4:54
Yeah, correct. And, and again, you know, just going back to what Leah was saying before you know Hair, you know, is is a huge component of of who you are, right? Your personality, you know what what you look like, right? And so you know, I think of it like this, right? So if I were to walk into a plastic surgery office, right, and I have Botox done, or let’s say that I have a chemical peel done, laser resurfacing, a lift done, right. But if I go back home, right after all this is done, and I’ve got this beautiful skin, and it’s nice and tight and all that, and I’ve got these really sparse, you know, brows, or I don’t have any, any eyelashes whatsoever, or maybe, you know, I’m shedding hair, you know, from, you know, my scalp? I’m not going to feel like it’s a complete, you know, sort of transformation, if you will. Right, it and so, you know, I think that, you know, going back to back when we had, you know, those extreme makeover shows and all that, I think it’s the same sort of thing, right? I think that part of of, you know, the facial feature, you know, is going to be the hair, right, the hair component, whether it’s the brow that the lash or or even the hair. And so it’s going to be really important to give patients, you know, a full makeover, if you will, right? It’s not just about the skin, it’s about everything else that accessorizes the skin, if you will,

Alison Werner 6:21
you know, Keri pointed out mentioned there about, you know, her hair thinning after pregnancy. I know for me, I had COVID and I had hair loss with that, can you talk a little bit more for those plastic surgeons who don’t know? Or aren’t that up on it: Like, what are some of the causes for hair loss or hair thinning?

Dr Felipe Jimenez 6:38
Well, there’s a lot of different causes out there. And you mentioned COVID, right? I think, with COVID, it isn’t quite known, you know exactly what the mechanism of action is there, you know, what, what caused the hair shedding, obviously, you know, I want to think that maybe it was just all the stress around, you know, COVID and all of that everything shutting down, you know, not being able to, you know, go out and interact with people anymore, right. But it really isn’t known, you know, at this point what the exact mechanism of action is. But, you know, as we said before, you know, there are hormonal changes that can definitely cause, you know, hair loss, stress can be a huge one. You know, as you know, there’s plenty of products out there on the market that are geared towards stress, you know, whether they’re oral supplements, or whatever it is right, to try to lower your stress level and try to help, you know, that way. The hormonal changes, you know, you think about, you know, products out there that, you know, look to lower the level of certain hormones, especially, you know, and guys, there’s, there’s this huge market out there, you know, products that that deal with a certain hormone in the skin in the scalp, you know, that at higher levels can definitely cause hair loss as well. And again, you know, I think that that the one that’s been forgotten, you know, or overlooked, is really just not having a good root system. Right? It’s much like a tree, right? If the tree grows really tall, really fast, but doesn’t have a very good root system, boy, that that thing is going to topple over really quick, right? Because it doesn’t have the root system to hold it up. Right? So it’s the same thing with hair, right? So the longer that hair gets, right, that the bigger the root system, you know, that you need to be able to support that extra weight there.

Alison Werner 8:31
So I guess that probably goes into my next question, because we’re gonna, I was gonna ask you about the technology within Nulastin, which is this elastaplex? And how does it contribute to rejuvenating the hair follicles, which I think is what you’re getting to there and promoting kind of the healthy? I mean, you have products for lashes for brows and for hair. So how does that all work to build that that root system?

Leah Garcia 8:52
First, the elastaplex technology that we have at it represents a synergistic blend of ingredients specifically engineered to support the body’s natural metabolic processes to replenish elastin. If you think about Nulastin our company, it is literally that we are supporting the natural metabolic process to replenish elastin. Now, in medical journals, and in DERM journals, there is very little if zero imagery and information on the elastin root system that Felipe is referring to. And there are some obscure published articles. But you would have to dig very, very deep and you’d have to be obsessed, like we are with elastin to find those articles. They exist. And so what we have, what Felipe has rediscovered is the importance and really the vital component of this elastin envelope that is at the base of every hair follicle. So think of it when Felipe talked about the root system, the actual envelope, it bear hugs every follicle without that support that network, your follicle will will shed prematurely it’s not going to have an ability to anchor itself. This is the primary differentiator with elastin and with our science. And with our elastaplex technology. Now we don’t just stop at anchoring the hair, once you anchor the hair, you’re going to allow it to grow longer and stronger. And we can actually assist with that, because we have five active ingredients in our formulation that address all of the stages of the hair growth cycle. So we want that first antigen stage to really pop, then you want that catagen stage, you want that one kind of slow down at the same time, so that you can keep your hair longer. And then once everything starts redeveloping the telogen and the late diligence stage, that’s when you want things to kick back in again. But if you don’t have the anchor, none of those other products that are out there on the market are going to have the same effectiveness as what you’re going to get with our elastaplex technology, and what you’re gonna get with our new lasting product. It’s really revolutionary science. And I know that doctors will hear that a lot. But there is no other company out there in our space that is addressing this loss of elastin at the level that we are.

Dr Felipe Jimenez 11:19
Absolutely, if you think about it, you know a lot of women, and I’ll tell you this from firsthand experience, both Lee and I were at our clinical study, you know, endpoint last week. And one of the things that we were hearing from, you know, all the study volunteers was that after using our product, right, especially on the scalp, right, you know, whenever they would go and take a shower or whatever, they were picking up a lot less hair, you know, from their tub than they were before they actually started using the product. And so, you know, overwhelmingly what we heard from them was the fact that it helps to anchor the hair right so that it prevents the premature shedding of the hair, right. So in and again, it doesn’t matter whether you’re washing your hair, or you’re brushing your hair, whatever that is, right, it’s going to help to anchor it so I love what Leah always say is right, you know, it should hurt to pull out your hair, whether it’s, you know, your your hair on the scalp, or brow, or even an eyelash, right, it should hurt because if it’s not truly anchored onto the skin well enough, right? It’s just gonna pop out and you’re not even gonna feel it. Right. You definitely don’t want that it’s gotta hurt, right? Because that, that that’s what tells you that you’ve got that good root system

Leah Garcia 12:38
pulling your hair sooner or should hurt. That’ll be our tagline.

Alison Werner 12:45
You know, and that’s actually a good way to help people understand because it’s making me understand some things about my own hair that I’m like, oh.

Leah Garcia 12:54
When you pluck those eyebrows, if you don’t say out something is

Alison Werner 12:57
wrong, or actually you’re absolutely right.

Leah Garcia 13:01
about it, when when a little girl is getting her hair combed or a little boy, you know, they’re in pain. Whenever mama combs their hair, and it hurts. They’re like Oh, and and that’s for a reason because they’ve got healthy elastin. elastin is produced in the body naturally, until about the age of 20, 21. So after that age, it starts diminishing and they’re naturally your body will not continue producing elastin. And I think that it’s important since our audience in the plastic surgery space, will be very well versed on collagen and elastin. I don’t doubt that at all. What I question is whether or not they really understand the source of elastin that has an efficacious effect on the human body to support its ability to produce more. So botanicals, those are marketing, any of the elastin that may come across in the form of an Felipe can help me with this but the the elastin that may be from tendons and ligaments from animal sources. Number one, those are questionable, questionable, in terms of ethics. But once you boil it a protein, anybody knows that denatured but even peptides are different in the mechanism than what we are providing here with our DNA, our recombinant DNA protein that is also combined with a few other DNA proteins including including a human keratin, but Felipe if you can just highlight in my opinion the importance of what are you know 746 amino acid protein has that even the peptides don’t?

Dr Felipe Jimenez 14:44
Yeah, that’s a really good question. So a lot of people ask us you know what really differentiates your product from everybody else’s right. And you know, obviously we like to talk about the elastin and and whatnot right? But But you know, what, what are the ingredients that that are different right in our products? And Leah just mentioned one. And this is really the star I would say of of our product, right? It’s called tropoelastin. Right? So Tropelastin is what people talk about as the precursor of elastic fibers. Okay, so what does that mean? That means that, to make an elastic fiber, you need to have a collection of all of these tropoelastin proteins that are cross linked together, right to create this big giant polymer, right, that’s, we refer to as an elastic fiber. Okay. And, you know, as we talked about before, you know, elastic fibers play, you know, a lot of different roles, you know, whether in the skin, you know, keeping the skin nice and taut and inelastic, but it also helps to anchor the hair follicle as well, right? Now, the biggest difference is that we’re the only company really that uses that big, giant, tropoelastin protein, right? Because we know that it does two things first, right. So it helps to replenish that elastin right at the base of that follicle. And at the same time, you know, it also helps to turn on certain machinery within the cells to make healthy new elastin there as well, right? Because making elastin isn’t just about making the protein, right. So there’s a lot more involved there. You know, there’s processing involved, there’s crosslinking involved. So there’s all this machinery that needs to be turned on, right. And that’s what the tropoelastin is there to do. And that’s really what sets us apart from every other company. Right. Leah mentioned, you know, things like the last and that comes from ligaments and things like that. But my favorite one is, you know, alas, and that comes from fish or marine last right? There’s no such thing as marine elastin, elastin is, is specific to mammals, right? So you can’t you can’t really get elastin from any other, you know, animals or fish out there for sure. So, you know, we’re using the real thing of it is human tropoelastin, no, we don’t get it from animals. We get it from cells. So we actually use what’s called a recombinant protein, meaning that you take the cells and you clone them to make tropoelastin. And so in effect, we’re using cells as sort of our manufacturing facilities to make this new protein. So that that’s really the biggest thing, right. And there’s other recombinant proteins that we also use in the the formula, but I think that the store is definitely going to be tropoelastin, and I think the other one is, is definitely going to be human keratin. Right? Why do we need human keratin there? Well, you know, our hair, you know, the hair shaft is actually made up of keratin, right? So if we can provide the skin, the scalp with keratin, it can take that keratin in actually make the hair shaft right. So again, to Leah’s point, we don’t just focus on one area of hair growth, but we look at the entire metabolism of making new hair, right? It’s not just enough to keep your follicles in the antigen phase, the growth phase, right? If you don’t give it, you know, all the other nutrients that it needs to actually build hair and support the root system as well. Right. So that that’s really what sets us apart from other companies out there.

Alison Werner 18:28
Felipe, I’m just wondering if you could talk a little bit about your your background and kind of the, the research background you come into, to working with Nulastin and this elastaplex technology.

Dr Felipe Jimenez 18:40
I’ve got a long history with elastin and, you know, I think that, you know, the reason why I was so drawn to, you know, Nulastin and certainly working with Leah, I mean, asides is the fact that Leah is just an amazing person, you know, and I just, you know, I wanted to work with her as well. But the fact that, you know, we’re focusing here on on elastin was really, you know, the reason why I came to Nulastin and, and my role so far has been very, number one, you know, I can’t take credit for, you know, developing the formulas that are out there in the marketplace, because those existed before I ever came to Nulastin, but what I did bring to the table was figuring out the actual mechanism of action of how our products work, and knowing that will allow us to make newer and more effective, you know, formulas going forward. Right. And, you know, one of the things that that we worked on early on, and we continue to work on, is developing our own patented blends of ingredients that will sort of carry what we’ve already done, you know, sort of to the next level, so that’s really, you know, what I bring to the table now, the other thing I think that Leah mentioned was the fact that you know, we understood that there is this elastin envelope at the base of the follicle All right. And the reason that I know that is twofold. So number one years ago, when I was still a researcher, a basic science researcher, we did a study, whereby we took these punch biopsies, and we injected them with these peptides that actually would cause elastin to grow, right? Well, you know, upon doing these histologies histologies, meaning that you take sections of these biopsies, and you look at them under microscope, we saw that these little elastic fibers were actually growing around the base of the follicle. And we thought, Well, wait a second, you know, that’s, that’s not really in the literature, you know, how is this happening? And sure enough, that the more we did this with different biopsies, we saw the exact same thing. So I went to the literature, and, you know, I tried to find any even obscure journal articles, you know, showing this and sure enough, you know, I was able to find reputable journal article that actually showed this in not not just a punch biopsy that was treated with something, but just a punch biopsy itself, of just a normal follicle. And sure enough, there’s an ad elastin envelope there, right. So, you know, when I came to New last, and I said, Oh, my God, I said, you’re using tropoelastin and right to replenish elastin and skin and inheritable Well, guess what, you know, you’re really helping out that root system. Right. And that was sort of that big aha moment, you know, of how the products work, right? It wasn’t just providing those ingredients, right, that necessary that they help, you know, with normal hair growth, but it’s also providing the necessary nutrients to help to really strengthen that elastin root system at the base of the follicle.

Leah Garcia 21:52
It’s interesting when I hear the story, because I, I always think, Oh, we were floundering, knowing that we had this amazing product. And we didn’t know why. But we kind of did know why. The original formulation was designed. The original formulator had been he worked for Amgen. And so he came with tissue regeneration experience. And so his whole background was in wound healing. And then when you look at Felipe, what he has brought, and this I think is important to plastic surgery practices. Because what we’re offering here isn’t just another cosmetic ingredient. Felipe for example, had worked with the Obagi brand and many plastic surgery practices right now are using that brand. As a matter of fact, Felipe sold his company and MB medical to Allergan. So there’s that connection there as well. And then it continues from there. Because when Felipe was working as he was saying, as a, as a chemist for KDC/One benchmark cosmetic lab, many of those products have also been carried over into the professional space. So what’s really fascinating as a direct to consumer company, we haven’t branched out into the plastic surgery and or the medical space. And I haven’t done that mainly because I spearheaded the company in 2016. I bootstrapped everything, because I knew I had a winner product. But I didn’t have everything ready, in my humble opinion, to go into the medical space until now. And now I am ready. I am ready because our formulation has been up leveled. Thanks to Felipe we’ve recently just made it so that the scalability is there. And there is a possibility that we would be open to some private label experiences. So but right now, we we have there is an opportunity for a practice to somewhat have the corner of the market in our elastin space for hair care. But let us not forget we have an amazing skincare collection too. That is second to none. If you are looking to repair after any surgery, again, everything was based on wound healing technology and tissue regeneration. So the elastin we use in it, and we couple it with some amino acids with antioxidant and anti carcinogen properties that really catapult it and since someone was saying anecdotal evidence, a really good friend of mine went to LA, she had one of those very expensive facelifts, the ones where you go in the back door, and then you stay for days and you pay hundreds of 1000s of dollars and you get pampered. Well she was offered many products upon leaving to help with her skincare repair and she came back to Nulastin.

Alison Werner 24:44
Well actually I was going to ask you if you could kind of break down the products that you have on offer because I know at the beginning I mentioned that you have a lash brow and hair line that specifically has this elastaplex technology but if you could break down those products and then also to maybe talk a little bit more in depth about the skincare products, what can plastic surgery practices expect from the company on that regard?

Leah Garcia 25:06
Well, we kind of use the kiss method here, we didn’t need to get very complicated because what we have is really effective and it’s a simple process. So we’ve got an eyelash, a follicle fortifying serum, an eyebrow shape altering serum, we have a hair product, which is the vibrant scalp treatment, all topical. And then we have a skincare line which is cleanse, hydrate, moisturize. And everything is based on this elastin science in our last flex technology. The eyelash and eyebrow are our heroes, because you have demonstrable results very quickly. We as Felipe mentioned, we just finished our most recent 12 week clinical evaluation. And from zero to six weeks, we had great results. But from six weeks to 12 weeks, it was like a rocket ship had gone into the afterburner mode. What we saw from six weeks to 12 Weeks was nothing short of miraculous women came in and looked like they’d had a transformation, they at times with their brows and their lashes. They look like different people that was really encouraging to see the hair care study. Also, we saw great results. But hair is tenacious, it grows at the pace of hair. We elevate it ever so slightly, but it takes time. And so I say that people should give hair at least 16 weeks, and even longer, because ongoing use of the product then continues supporting the anchoring of the hair follicle. So you lose less, you grow more and you get thicker naturally. And that’s really the gist of it. The hair, the skincare line. That is it’s a beautiful addition, the packaging. Packaging is gorgeous. It’s molded for a spa. So when you put it on the shelf, it will almost sell itself.

Keri Stephens 27:04
Back into you. Leah, can you talk about your backstory and just what led you to start this company?

Leah Garcia 27:09
I don’t like to sleep I thought wouldn’t it be fun to spend five or six years without sleep. And start a Company? Actually, I, I was a I grew up on a ranch and so I had my share of bumps and bruises growing up. But I transitioned to a professional athlete. And as a professional athlete, I raced mountain bikes all over the world. But that’s when I was really introduced to performance products. I can tell you more about epogen and human growth hormone than probably any of my colleagues in the beauty space. And not that I ever did those. But I can tell you why I can identify them. But But the biggest, you know, there were a couple of transitions that happen in my life and the Hard Knocks that happened along the way. The first being in my late 20s. I suffered Bell’s Palsy, Bell’s paralysis from stress. At the time, I was pretty going pretty fast in the hospitality industry. And my face just quit working one day and I that was a big transition to realizing the importance of being able to smile being able to look normal, but it taught me a lot of really great lessons is I identify very intimately with a lot of my clients. So I coupled what had happened to me in my experience with my performance based education from being a professional athlete. And so I was drawn to science based products I’d been using. Dr. Berry Sears you remember Dr. Barry Sears the Zone diet. I wrote after a fitness chapter for one of his books, but I was very much into anti inflammation. And he had a skincare product that was based on burn victims. I had used that prior to using the technology that I use. Now. I’ve never been one to walk into a cosmetic store and grab something off the shelf. I’ve always chased science based skincare. So when I met my original formulator, and I found out that there was a product with elastin, and I immediately got it i i got it so quickly that I said Sign me up. I actually invested in an earlier company that was trying to launch to the plastic surgery and the cosmetic world that did not last very long. And then a couple years later I said well, I’ll just take this to market. And that’s what I did. I brought it to market because literally if it works for me, it will work for anybody. And when I say I’ve had my fair share of hard knocks, we’re talking every bump and bruise you could ever imagine. And also, I transitioned to a life of a sideline reporter for the professional bull rider tour on CBS. So I was a sideline reporter for 18 years, traveling every weekend. Again, not sleeping but I I’ve seen I’ve seen doctors in practice, we had a, we had a surgeon at all of our events, working on cowboys whenever they get injured in the arena. But it was really an interesting transition. But let me tell you, if you’re in front of a, if you’re in front of a high definition camera, as I was growing older, you’ll you’ll dig deep into whatever Arsenal you can find to stay better looking. Because in some fortunately, men can grow older as reporters and look fabulously handsome. But the same is not true for women. counterparts there there comes a point in time where we expire for what is customarily accepted on camera. I hate to say that, but it’s quite true. So I was eventually put out to pasture. Here I am

Alison Werner 30:53
And here you are. Well, I just, I guess our final question would be what’s your advice to plastic surgeons who are talking to patients who want to talk to their patients about hair loss? Or who aren’t sure about approaching the subject? What should they be saying to them?

Leah Garcia 31:08
I have, I have my opinions. Let me just say if it were me, if I had walked into the office, and if they were helping me with whatever I may need, I don’t, let’s just say it’s a bleph, let’s say it’s a lift, let’s say whatever I may be doing, what they should be talking about is the whole package. What they want to do is ensure that their clients, their patients, when they get done with their procedure, they’ve got tools, so that they can carry out what they intended to get in the first place. And it should not just stop with the procedure, it should start, it should continue with home care. And if they don’t have the proper home care, based on science, that has an efficacious effect, that actually is demonstrable that they can see results from then they’re shortchanging that patient. So for me, what I’d want them to do is address not just what’s happening in office, but the take home, and the take home should not just start stop with the skin. And with what procedure they just add, and it should continue on with beautiful hair lashes and brows. Felipe, do you have thoughts on that?

Dr Felipe Jimenez 32:15
I would, I would echo what you just said as well. But, you know, I would also add one other thing, you know, you mentioned earlier, Leah that elastin is also really important, you know, when when you’re talking about wound healing, you know, and wound cosmesis and things like that. And it made me remember, you know, a study that we did years and years ago, where, by turning on elastin production in skin, we were actually able to, you know, appreciate better wound causemises. In other words, we were able to reduce the amount of scarring, right in wounds, right, by simply turning on elastin. And, you know, what we reasoned back then was the fact that, you know, people that tend to get keloid scars will actually produce tissue that is mostly collagen, right? So it’s not a combination of, of elastin and collagen and cells and all that it’s just collagen, right. So that’s why they get the key like scars. Right. And so I went back to that, I was thinking about that. And, you know, I would just say, you know, just to give a shout out to our skincare products, you know, that it might not be a bad idea, you know, for our plastic surgeons to also maybe think about, you know, using our products, you know, pre and post surgery, you know, to be able to help with the elastin production has certainly helped to balance out you know that that new tissue production after surgery.

Leah Garcia 33:45
Oh my gosh, bingo. So instead of just Arnica which every surgeon will say, you need to start taking Arnica. Like, however many weeks ahead of your surgery, yes, please start with your elastin replenishment prior to your surgery as well.

Alison Werner 34:01
We want to thank both of you for your time today. It’s been really informative. And we’ve really enjoyed kind of getting a little more in depth on the kind of the science here and what you know, and helping doctors understand that you know, hair loss, hair thinning, but it’s an issue but also having that complete package. So when a patient walks out of your office after their procedure, you’re supporting them, you know, with that, you know, they say was it the brow shaped frame the face, the hair frames the face. So if you’re going to have a procedure, they’re going to want to make sure those links are keeping up with everything. So thank you so much for your time. We really appreciate it.

Leah Garcia 34:34
How fun thank people

Dr Felipe Jimenez 34:35
No thank you.

Keri Stephens 34:37
As always, thank you for joining us and be sure to subscribe to the plastic surgery practice podcast to keep up with the latest episodes. And also please check out plastic surgery for the latest industry news. Until next time, take care