Seventy might be the new 50 if you exercise and maintain a nutritious diet – but aging affects the outside as well as the inside. That’s why people who want a more youthful look to go along with their healthier body are heading to plastic surgeons.Less-invasive surgical lifts and the use of longer-lasting fillers to firm up tissue are the latest cosmetic surgery trends. The use of minimally invasive fat injections increased nationally by 13 percent from 2015-16, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
“There’s been a huge boom in non-invasive cosmetic procedures,” said Dr. Debra Johnson, president of the Chicago-based organization. “Some new products and devices are out, like different laser treatments that work under the skin, so there’s very little down time.
“We have a population that’s working longer; people aren’t retiring at 65 anymore. They’re still in the workforce and they want to continue to look energic and youthful and competitive.”
People as young as their late-30s are opting for some fine-tuning, said Dr. Richard Schwartz of the Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Center in West Palm Beach. Their goal is to maintain “a healthy appearance,” he said. “They’re choosing to have much less extensive surgery, and that gives them a subtler look.
“Other people don’t have any idea that they’ve had anything done; they just look good.
“But my typical patient from Palm Beach is in their 50s, 60s or 70s,” he added. “They’ve got much too much loose skin for these non-surgical devices.”
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