
Cytori Therapeutics, a company who is dedicated to providing patients with new options for reconstructive surgery and banking patients’ adult stem and regenerative cells, has been informed that adipose tissue-derived stem and regenerative cells processed with its Cytori’s Celution™ 600 System, showed positive results in reconstructing breast tissue following partial mastectomy.

"The investigational procedure offers hope to partial-mastectomy patients who have limited options," says Kaoru Kitamura, MD, PhD, Department of Breast Surgery at Kyushu University in Japan. "Unfortunately the concept of ‘breast conserving therapy’ can often times be misleading, as even minimally-invasive resections can result in defects that leave patients dissatisfied with the cosmetic outcome."

In the study, tissue loss resulting from partial mastectomy was reconstructed with each patient’s own liposuctioned fat, which was combined and enhanced with her own adipose-derived stem and regenerative cells. These cells were made available at the time of surgery using the Celution 600 System.

Two clinical studies will be initiated this year in Europe by Cytori to further evaluate adipose-derived stem and regenerative cells, processed with the Celution 800 System. One study, RESTORE II, will evaluate 70 patients at multiple trial sites. A second study, VENUS, will be a 20-patient single center study in patients with more severe radiation damage and contour defects.

[Medical News Today, February 25, 2008]