Category: Industry Trends

Industry Trends


ASPS Highlights Commitment to Patient Safety Amid Cosmetic Surgery Concerns

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) is reinforcing to commitment patient safety and ethical standards in light of concerns highlighted by a recent Los Angeles Times article, stressing the dangers of non-specialized physicians conducting cosmetic procedures and promoting the selection of board-certified plastic surgeons to mitigate such risks.



Botox Response Predicts Migraine Surgery Success

Preoperative Botox injections are a useful test for predicting how well patients with chronic migraine will respond to nerve decompression surgery, reports a study in the May issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Inside the Viral ‘Chin BBL’ Trend

In an era where social media platforms like TikTok wield immense influence over beauty trends and cosmetic procedures, Sergio Alvarez, MD, a board-certified plastic surgeon at Mia Aesthetics, shares his insights on the growing fascination with the “chin BBL” and its connection to the digital age.

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Top Trends in Plastic Surgery

The field of plastic surgery continually evolves with new trends and procedures, such as blepharoplasty, cheek implants, skinny BBL, and BBL reversal, all aimed at enhancing appearances, but patients should conduct thorough research and consult board-certified plastic surgeons before making any decisions, says one surgeon in the know.

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How to Treat ‘Ozempic Face’

An American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery survey finds 60% of facial plastic surgeons report an increase in patients with “Ozempic Face,” a side effect of weight loss drug Semaglutide, with treatment options including fillers, lifts, and fat grafting, while long-term outcomes remain uncertain.

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