California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on Monday signed into law California Assembly Bill 1116, the so-called Donda West Law, which would prohibit elective cosmetic surgery on a patient unless, prior to surgery, the patient has received a physical examination and clearance for surgery.
Earlier this year, Schwarzenegger vetoed the bill along with many other bills that were not deemed by the governor as critical to California’s fiscal survival. Specifically, this bill does the following:
- Prohibits a dentist who holds a permit to perform elective facial cosmetic surgery from performing elective facial cosmetic surgery on a patient unless the patient has received a physical examination by, and written clearance for, the procedure from either a licensed physician and surgeon or the dentist performing the surgery.
- Prohibits a cosmetic surgery procedure from being performed by a physician and surgeon unless, prior to surgery, the patient has received a physical examination by, and written clearance for, the procedure from either the physician and surgeon who will be performing the surgery or another licensed physician and surgeon.
- Defines "cosmetic surgery" to mean an elective surgery that is performed to alter or reshape normal structures of the body in order to improve the patient’s appearance, including, but not limited to, liposuction and elective facial cosmetic surgery.
- Provides that a violation of the provisions of this bill does not constitute a crime.
[Source: The Los Angeles Times/Calif Senate]