By Dr Gabriel Chiu
Plastic surgery is becoming more and more commonplace throughout the United States. Though it is true that a lot of people seek these types of procedures for self-esteem and self-image purposes, it is also sought for reasons due to accidents, improved health, birth defects/birthmarks, symptoms from cancer, and even weight loss. Top plastic surgeons realize this, and thus offer a variety of procedures to address virtually any need you might have. Patients often feel comfortable as they improve their health and get their confidence back.
There are procedures that are certainly trendier than others – due to their rate of success and simply due to their necessity. Here are the top 5 most popular plastic surgery procedures.
Lipoplasty (Liposuction)
Being overweight puts additional stress on certain parts of the body like the back, knees, and hips. Despite having good health and a moderate level of fitness, many people still suffer from having disproportionate body due to localized fat deposits. To alleviate this and enhance self-image, liposuction slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits.
Though the removal of excess fat is usually enough to make a difference when it comes to removing the pressure and strain from the body, liposuction should not be thought of as a form of effective weight loss. However, the small amount of weight reduction can certainly inspire patients to move forward with a healthy lifestyle, which will allow them to lose additional weight and further eliminate stress on their bodies all the while achieving a more desired look.
Eyelid Surgery
The eyes are often one of the first things that people notice about a person, so it is quite common to feel insecure if they are visually appealing. Unfortunately, both age and genetics are inevitable, as those two factors can make your eyelids have a sagging, hooded appearance, resulting in a fatigued look. In some cases, the drooping of our eyelids can even impair vision.
Eyelid surgery corrects the appearance of by carefully excising extra skin and fat from the eye area and is also an effective way to correct the “undereye” bags, which can make you appear tired.
Breast Augmentation / Implants
Of all the procedures listed, breast augmentation is easily the most popular of all cosmetic surgeries in the United States. One of the main reasons for its popularity is due to its extremely wide demographic, including many different age groups: young twenties, women post childbirth, and middle age. Breasts are also seen as the most defining part of what it is considered to be female, for better or worse. Enhancing or enlarging breasts, filling deflated breasts, correcting congenital symmetry, and breast augmentation are all ways to both empower women and boost their confidence.
Because breast implants are one of the more serious of the cosmetic procedures, it can last for several hours while general anesthesia is required for usually 1 to 2 hours. In addition, breast augmentation is often performed on an outpatient basis, so it is vital to make arrangements with someone to drive you home and stay with you for the first night after the procedure. Individual factors and personal preferences also help determine your appropriate breast size, type of implant, the location of incisions, and where the implants will be placed.
Nose Jobs (Rhinoplasty)
Many people are displeased with the appearance of their nose for a variety of reasons. It might be crooked, bumpy, too wide or too narrow, or it simply doesn’t go well with the rest of their facial features. A nose job (or rhinoplasty) is another popular plastic surgery procedure that is often very effective at improving someone’s appearance. Even slightest correction to a nose can have a significant impact on the attractiveness of a face, completely changing the way someone looks. This includes small implants and the alteration of the nostril size or angle between your nose and upper lip. Not only is rhinoplasty considered a cosmetic procedure, it can be performed in to improve overall breathing by fixing a deviated septum or reducing airway obstruction.
Both the skin and muscles lose their elasticity and begin to sag as you age, creating features that can be seen as unappealing to many people. These include undereye bags, jowls, a double chin, and deep creases, all of which can make you look and feel older than you actually are. Facelift surgery can dramatically improve these visible signs of aging, bringing back a desirable sense of confidence and youth. This procedure is highly individualized, as it takes the condition of your skin, sagging tissue, and deep creases and wrinkles all into account. As such, you will likely have to have a detailed consultation with a plastic surgeon.
Dr Gabriel Chiu practices at Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery, a full-service plastic surgery practice located in the heart of Beverly Hills, Calif.