Dear Editor:

I am a practicing breast surgeon on Long Island. I read with interest your article about Harvey Singer. It is quite unfortunate that he had a difficult bout with breast cancer, and that he was unable to find a plastic surgeon that has reconstructed a male breast. I have offered breast reconstruction to every male I have seen with breast cancer. Most don’t seem particularly interested. However, I did have one who had a DIEP flap reconstruction.PSP_oct_article_32

While it is not common (since male breast cancer is not common), the plastic surgeons I work with are familiar and have some experience with it. I do agree there is discrimination toward men regarding this, and I am often frowned upon when discussing this among medical colleagues. However, it is available, and I agree there needs to be increased awareness about the desire for men to be offered this option.

Thank you,

Erna Busch-Devereaux, MD

Huntington, NY

Read Singer’s candid interview with William Payton in PSP’s October 2014 issue.[sidebar float=”left” width=”500″]?Like ?it?? Love ?it?? Hate? it?? Have ?more ?to? say ?about ?it?

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