Tired of looking at a droopy jawline over ZOOM? If your side profile makes you self-conscious, you’re not alone. According to the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS), 58% of facial plastic surgeon members agree that neck lifts and other neck/jawline treatments have increased last year, likely due to more time spent on digital devices and an unprecedented virtual lifestyle.

Facial plastic surgeons Paul J. Carniol, MD, President of the AAFPRS and Mary Lynn Moran, MD, AAFPRS Immediate-Past President, share their expert insight with effective jawline solutions.

“As we all know every patient is different, so the optimal technique for improving your jawline varies depending on your individual anatomy,” Carniol says. “One size, in this technique, does not fit all. Most patients can realize improvement with these options.”    

Kybella is used to treat submental fat below the chin with a series of injections in the region of fullness. For the right patient, it can give a visible improvement without surgery. Typically, after the injection there is some firmness and possible numbness in the treated region for 1-2 weeks, with visible improvement thereafter. The alternative to this would be liposuction of this area.

Fillers, such as hyaluronic acid gels, can enhance the appearance of the jawline. Adding volume and filler (this is FDA off-label) to the areas where there is a loss of facial definition gives a more youthful, “cut” appearance.

“Typically, this is an ‘instant gratification’ type of procedure, as patients can see the improvement immediately after injection before they leave the office,” Carniol adds.

Neuromodulators, aka Botox, Jeuveau, Dysport and Xeomin, are used to diminish muscle motion which induce facial and neck wrinkles. Around the jaw area these can be used to treat platysma muscle banding.  

Radio Frequency (RF) Microneedling can be used as an alternative to fractional laser treatments to create skin tightening. Since radiofrequency is not a light-based technology it can be used on more skin types than fractional laser treatment.  Typically, a few treatments are performed to optimize the results to tighten the skin over the jawline and give it a more defined appearance.  

Ultherapy is the only FDA-cleared, non-invasive procedure that lifts the neck and chin by delivering energy delivered precisely to the SMAS, using ultrasound imaging to localize target. It goes deeper than other non-invasive treatments for collagen stimulation.

“The results are subtle and are typically used in the early stages of neck and jawline laxity or as a complement to surgical procedures. The CO2 laser resurfacing treatment is the gold standard for skin resurfacing. It can be customized to various depths of penetration and degrees of fractionation, leaving intact areas of skin between the columns of vaporized skin which allows for faster healing and less downtime. The amount of skin contraction is minimal so sculpting of the jaw and neckline is negligible,” Moran notes.

Thread Lifts or suture suspension lifts, use absorbable, barbed sutures inserted under the skin in a minimally invasive way. They can be used to elevate lax tissues to create an improved neck and jawline. They also stimulate collagen production in the skin to produce healthier, firmer skin. 

Chin Implant or chin augmentation is a powerful tool to improve the jawline and neck contour. This can be accomplished without surgery, via injectable fillers or with surgery using a solid silicone implant.

“Finding the right, most qualified physician to perform any procedure should always be a patient’s first priority. Select a surgeon who trained specifically in procedures of the face, head, and neck,” Carniol advises.

[Source: KELZ Media]