The American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery (ABFCS) announces the opening of its application window for facial cosmetic surgeons interested in sitting for the board’s annual certifying exams. The medical board provides certification to surgeons focused on aesthetic procedures of the head, face, and neck.
“Our mission is to certify safe, skilled cosmetic surgeons who dedicate much or all of their practice to facial aesthetic procedures, helping patients locate a surgeon they can trust,” says ABFCS President Sheila Barbarino, MD, FAAO, FAACS, FACS. “The examinations are the core of that mission, and we are happy to offer interested surgeons a four-month application window.”
The certifying board accepts applications from experienced facial cosmetic surgeons who have relevant residency backgrounds like ophthalmology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, and plastic and reconstructive surgery. Among other rigorous standards—including residency training and primary board certification—surgeons who qualify to take the certifying exam must have demonstrated skill and experience in facial cosmetic surgery. This experience may be obtained through either practice experience, fellowship training with the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS), or equivalent fellowship training.
Barbarino states, “As a sub-specialty organization, we are proud of our diverse composition. Facial cosmetic surgeons from backgrounds like dermatology and otolaryngology have contributed to advancements in cosmetic surgery techniques and patient safety. And within the ABFCS, we have found that this diversity advances our individual skills further.”
The credentialing board will close applications on Feb. 28, 2023. The examination will be administered in two parts: a written exam on May 20, 2023, and an oral exam in August 2023.
Interested surgeons may contact the ABFCS directly with questions or learn more about facial cosmetic surgery board certification and review full application requirements online.