According to the American Cancer Society, each year about 232,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer that requires surgery. The diagnosis of breast cancer is a major event in any woman’s life. The information and emotions are overwhelming. Being diagnosed with breast cancer is a life-changing moment that not only can threaten a woman’s life, but also her self-confidence.
There are a number of breast cancer surgical options available including a procedure called Hidden Scar Breast Cancer Surgery. Hidden Scar Breast Cancer Surgery is an advanced surgical approach in which breast surgeons remove cancerous tissue through a single incision made in inconspicuous areas to minimize visible scarring. By using this approach, surgeons are able to preserve a natural-looking breast.
The Hidden Scar approach also may help ease the emotional impact of breast cancer surgery, as patients have little to no visible reminder of the surgery. According to a study published in the official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, patients who undergo this procedure are at no higher risk of recurrence than patients who undergo any other type of technique.
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