If you’ve ever gotten cystic acne or an underground blind pimple, you’re probs very familiar with the feeling that is wanting to remove your own skin and borrow some from a baby (was that motivational? Inspirational? Worrisome? Sry—I’m breaking out right now, can’t help). Because cystic zits suck. They do. There’s no making friends with a pimple that throbs when you sleep and aches when you smile, then peaces out three months later, only to leave you with a red or brown splotch that takes half a year to fade.

And unlike every other form of acne, like blackheads, whiteheads, and little, squeezable-even-though-you-shouldn’t bumps, cystic acne can’t be treated with the same creams and serums in your medicine cabinet. Why? Because cystic acne is rooted deep within the skin tissue, with no direct connection to the surface. So all the spot treatments and cleansers in the world can’t penetrate far enough to treat the source of the inflammation. Fun! We’re having fun!