Growing understanding of the skin microbiome opens up the potential for new therapeutic targets, according to the President of the Canadian Dermatology Association and Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
“There is a symbiotic relationship between us and our microbiome,” explains Mariusz Sapijaszko MD, FRCPC, in an interview with Dermatology Times. “The disruption of that relationship can occur through our diet, our habits, our upbringing, and antibiotic treatments. These have been shown to have profound effects on our health. There is more and more evidence that dysregulation of the microbiome has a tremendously negative impact on how we feel, how we think, and the way our body manifests health and disease.”
At the recently held annual meeting of the Canadian Dermatology Association, a symposium on the role of the microbiome in skin pathologies was held. Topics such as preserving the natural ecosystem of the various niches, upsetting the balance in the microbiome, and characterizing the diversity of the microbiome to correct imbalances were raised.
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