Botox is an increasingly popular treatment among dentists, with 16% of dentists now offering the service to patients according to a recent survey.
In a poll carried out by The Wealthy Dentist blog, 27% of respondents say they want to offer dental Botox and 37%t say they are considering offering the service. Only 20% said they didn’t want to include dental Botox in their range of cosmetic treatments.
Cosmetic dentistry is booming across the country, with thousands of patients visiting their dentists in a bid to improve the way their smile looks; treatments including teeth whitening treatments, veneers, and dental implants are amongst the most popular cosmetic services currently available. Dental Botox is often used alongside other treatments, as it helps to iron out lines around the mouth and gives a more youthful look to the face, according to The Wealthy Dentist.
While some argue that this service is not a proper dental treatment, others are welcoming dental Botox as a perfect complement to other cosmetic dental treatments.
[Source: The Wealthy Dentist]