Microsite marketing is an underutilized tactic that can be an effective technique to drive new visitors to your Web site. The concept of developing microsites specifically targeted at new segments of potential clients allows your practice to establish a broader presence online. If you are looking for new markets to target, developing additional microsites is a good way to expand your marketing program.
A microsite lets you focus on a specific purpose, such as promoting your services for a particular procedure category (such as breast enhancement) or to a specific group of consumers, such as those who want mommy makeovers. Microsites are meant to target only one area of your practice: usually a procedure in which you specialize, or a specific geographic location or patient group from which you would like to attract more clients.
Microsites are not meant to promote every aspect of your practice, but rather, they are designed to focus on a more narrow area of specialization.
In addition, microsites may be used to create in-depth information about a particular service with a unique visitor experience. The microsites will be linked to your main practice Web site, so that these sites can generate increased traffic from all Internet sources to your main Web site.
Microsites target one specific practice area with attention given to the top-level search keywords. Because a microsite is often designed to target only one primary search term, it can move quickly up the search engine ranks more quickly for the primary term you select. Typically, a microsite will reside on the same Web server and mirrors the same branding, imagery, and design of your main site. However, in some cases it may be more viable for the design and navigation of a microsite to differ slightly from your main site.
One commonly used example is to market to a specific ethnic group of potential patients, such as Spanish-speaking clients. In this case, it may be wise to develop a microsite that is linked to the landing page of your main site to drive traffic, as well as build a unique URL for that page. For example, xyzclinic.com (the top level) and xyzclinicenespanol.com.
A microsite enables you to position yourself as an expert in a specific procedure category. Visitors have most likely found your microsite while looking for a specific procedure in your geographic location—they are considered highly qualified clients. By providing valuable procedure-specific information, a related photo gallery, and unique videos and content, visitors will identify your practice as an established leader in the field.
One strategy is to create many microsites that point to your main site to increase search engine rank. Another option is to have a few larger sites for specialized areas that contain a steady supply of updated content.
In another commonly used strategy, create a microsite for nonsurgical or skincare and spa services that is linked to your main site. Many physicians also maintain a microsite that contains a shopping cart for their own branded skincare or cosmetic line.
Your microsite strategy can be effectively combined with your search engine marketing campaigns. As your microsite gains rankings in search engines, it also begins to take on organic links and establish a greater Web presence for your practice.
Along with the value of your microsite, your main site gains additional value in the form of referral traffic and search engine-optimized links. Instead of depending on a single, complex megasite to feature content about everything you offer, the option of increasing your footprint on search engines offers another way to attract more clients and referrals from your marketing program.
Because microsites tend to be compact, they are affordable to develop cheap compared to an overhaul of your existing Web site. This offers a cost-effective way to generate new patients without building a whole new main site. A microsite can also be created in far less time. WordPress is an ideal platform to use for microsite development since it is relatively easy to learn and changes and updates can be accomplished in-house as needed.
Wendy Lewis is president of Wendy Lewis & Co Ltd, a global consulting firm (www.wendylewisco.com), and founder and editor-in-chief of www.beautyinthebag.com.