William Kuzon, MD, PhD, Reed O. Dingman professor and section head of plastic surgery, University of Michigan, has been named president of the Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation (PSEF) at Plastic Surgery 2009, the annual scientific meeting of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). The PSEF is the research arm of the ASPS, the world’s largest plastic surgery association and foremost authority on cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery. Kuzon will serve as PSEF President for one year.
"The PSEF is the keystone of research support for plastic surgeons," said Dr. Kuzon. "As its president, I will strive to expand our cooperation with other organizations to sponsor and promote research, and work to streamline a coordinated research agenda and portfolio that is balanced across all areas of the specialty."
An ASPS Member Surgeon since 1994, Kuzon currently serves on both the ASPS/PSEF Public Education and Research Oversight Committees, and sits on the Research Coordinating Council. He has also served as ASPS/PSEF Vice President of Research and has been a member of the Research Strategic Planning Task Force, and has chaired the Research Fellowship Committee.
Kuzon has been in practice for 17 years and acquired his American Board of Plastic Surgery Certification in 1994. He earned his medical degree from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. Dr. Kuzon completed his surgical and plastic surgery residencies at the University of Toronto, ON, where he also obtained his MSc and PhD.
[Source: ASPS]