A4M has for the past 25 years shown the ability through vision and technology to make American medical care great once again. The time has come for a major overhaul of the American healthcare system. “While Obamacare had some noble intentions, Obamacare and politicians have driven medicine into a constant state of disarray. It’s time for medical leaders such as the A4M to voice their opinion,” asserts Dr. Ronald Klatz.
Dr. Ronald Klatz, M.D., D.O., physician-founder of the American Academy of Ant-Aging Medicine and patent holder of over 30 medical innovations stated, “Physicians must resume control of patient care. Today the insurance company rep has more influence than a doctor. That’s a sad statement. It is necessary to have a plan that restores authority to highly experienced, regulated and educated medical professionals. We should focus on effective, preventative healthcare to extend quality of life and increase longevity, and simply bring back common sense to medicine.”
The following 10-point, low-cost, high-tech healthcare, wellness, and anti-aging plan has the potential to save American tax payers over one trillion dollars over the next seven years: