Here's one that you don't hear everyday. From AFP via

Michel Maure is facing 97 charges of misleading advertising, aggravated deceit, endangering lives, and involuntary injury between 2000 and 2004 in the trial in the southern port of Marseille set to last two weeks.

Most of his patients were women, for whom he carried out liposuctions or breast implants, but he also performed operations on men. A French doctor who told investigators he was one of the world's best cosmetic surgeons went on trial Monday accused of mutilating and endangering the lives of dozens of men and women.

The 59-year-old, who has been struck off the medical register, is also accused of not declaring workers in his clinic and of threatening a victim to stop her from making a complaint about him.


Maure denies he was responsible for any wrongdoing and claims his accusers are competitors who want to drive him out of business, and that the witnesses against him are "thieves" who don't want to pay for their surgeries.

He worked in a clinic which investigators described as "dirty and badly maintained" where patients faced an "immediate risk of death or very serious after-effects."

Read more here.