Michael Chiaramonte, MD, a board certified plastic surgeon in Maryland, introduces the Bella Body Lift. This technique combines liposuction and tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) into a single surgical procedure known as lipoabdominoplasty. The Bella Body Lift offers a complete mid-section makeover and saves patients time and money compared to the traditional method of performing the two procedures separately.
"I developed the Bella Body Lift to give my patients an option that allows them to sculpt their entire mid-section with a single surgical procedure," says Chiaramonte. "While tummy tuck and liposuction are both effective procedures, each has a slightly different focus and in many cases neither one by itself will deliver the complete mid-section makeover my Maryland plastic surgery patients are hoping to achieve."
Often, plastic surgeons perform tummy tucks and liposuction as two separate, but complementary procedures. During a tummy tuck, excess skin and fat is removed from the stomach area, and the abdominal muscles are re-tightened. Liposuction in the mid-body area generally focuses on fat removal in the upper abdomen, love handles, and back. If the procedures are performed separately, a patient must undergo two recovery periods and pay for the added expense of two surgical sessions.
What makes the Bella Body Lift a great option for plastic surgery patients is that it can address all the areas that tummy tucks and liposuction address separately in a single procedure. The Bella Body Lift removes excess skin and fat from below the breast area down through the middle and lower abdomen as well as the back, love handles, and around the buttocks. The procedure provides a complete mid-section makeover that results in a slimmer waist and smaller clothing sizes.
"The results that the Bella Body Lift produces can be very dramatic," says Chiaramonte. "The area below the breasts all the way down to the buttocks can be sculpted. My patients have been thrilled with their results."
According to Chiaramonte, because the Bella Body Lift is performed as a single procedure, patients only have to go through a single recovery period, minimizing the time they need to be away from work and their other regular activities.
The best candidates for the Bella Body Lift are men and women who are in good health and in relatively good shape.
[24-7 Press Release, September 6, 2008]