Considering that you wake up practically nose distance apart from your partner, day in day out, year after year, you’d think that they’d notice when you’ve had a cosmetic refresher. A jab of Botox to smooth away those frown lines and crows feet here; a cheeky bit of filler to magic away those eye bags and marionette lines under there.
But realistically, how often does he even notice your three hundred buck cut, dye and blow wave? Almost never without prompting. Familiarity breeds, well, familiarity, so if he doesn’t notice your cosmetic touch ups should you be obliged to tell him?
Often we’re more honest with our girlfriends, sometimes even our work colleagues than we are with our partners. So why do so many so women keep their convert missions to the cosmetic clinic on the down low? If we don’t disclose, are we essentially lying?