Brian Biesman, MD, an ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgeon at the Nashville Center for Laser and Facial Surgery, in Nashville, Tenn, has developed a nonsurgical option for wrinkle reduction and tightening around the eyes with the use of Portrait Plasma.
Portrait Plasma by Rhytec, harnesses the power of plasma to deliver results without the risk or downtime that is associated with laser procedures. The handpiece delivers nitrogen plasma energy below the surface of the skin to produce collagen for up to 2 years.
"Blepharoplasty removes the excess tissue and skin, but Portrait Plasma improves skin quality," says Biesman. "It smoothes fine lines and treats both wrinkles and sun damage, which surgery alone cannot do."
According to Biesman, injectables may be used to relax the muscles and, in some cases, filler may be used to enhance volume. Physicians are also combining Portrait with other aesthetic procedures, such as fractionated lasers to improve the periorbital area.
Biesman recommends Portrait Plasma as a stand-alone procedure for patients who are not good candidates for surgery.
"For patients who have moderately droopy, loose, or wrinkled skin, surgery may not be the best option, but Portrait Plasma may be," says Biesman.
In a study conducted by Biesman, which compared the use of Portrait Plasma skin regeneration compared to blepharoplasty, patients rated their overall improvement with Portrait Plasma as 64%.
"I am very, very enthusiastic about the changes we are seeing…plasma treatment of the eyelid is very viable and I think a very exciting technique that can play a nice role in the aesthetic practice," Biesman says.
The in-office procedure takes 20 to 30 minutes for a full face. Localized procedures around the eyes and mouth can be done in as little as 10 to 15 minutes.
[www.medicalnewstoday.com, January 25, 2008]