Lifestyle treatments that improve the effects of aging and damage to the skin have performed better than other dermatologic drugs due to the demands of an aging Baby Boomer population. These lifestyle products do not treat diseases but rather meet cosmetic needs, and they are a new focus for many pharmaceutical companies facing tough regulations, market conditions, and fewer blockbusters. The trend was reported by health care market research publisher Kalorama Information in its new title, The Market for Prescription Dermatological Drugs, 7th Edition.

The pharmaceutical industry is facing a tougher environment in general, due to harder regulations for gaining approvals for mainstream products, the economic downturn, and a dwindling pipeline of new products, and prescription dermatologic makers have the same challenges. Reliance on blockbuster drugs is, according to Kalorama Information’s research, no longer a viable strategy for many drug developers. In cosmetic medications, manufacturers are realizing there is less scrutiny from the FDA and healthy consumer demand for effective products that reduce the signs of aging such as wrinkles and imperfections of the skin.


[Source: Medical News Today]